Home with Mini v.
Having my Easter Break now so everyday is a Mini v Day!
Almost actually. There are days to catch up with Friends but mostly is Mini v moments.
Just love spending time with her, watching her play, playing with her etcetc.
Secretly wishing i can be a SAHM. :P
But reality sucks so no SAHM dream for me so i might as well enjoy my holiday moments with her!
Found this on my table. Have no idea when:
1. She took the stickers
2. She found my yoyo that is hidden amongst the items on my messy table.
3. She pasted all of the stickers on it.
All i know is when i am surfing the net, something green caught my attention at the corner and my eye and viola!
Really don't know to laugh or to be angry. But i know when i 1st saw it i smiled to myself. I love the way she pasted it in a systematic circle formation. ha!
I need to vacum and mop the floor and told her to go up to the sofa and watch her Little Enisteins. When i finished mopping the rooms and proceed to the living room, i saw her with her already set up Smellycat's suntanning mat on the sofa and Chilling.... "-___-
Everynight is asking her to do her "homework".
She wanted to paint so i decided to show her some "magic" drawing.
Asked her to paint over a Magic drawing i did on the paper.
(Actually i used white wax crayon and drew before hand)
She chose black coz thats the same color of her new shoes that Smellycat bought .
She is easily distracted.
Finally finished her magic painting.
Its a snail drawn by yours truly! Hahahahahhaaha
Side track a bit: Saw this shimmery globe one day while shopping with Ser. Made a mental note to get for Mini v. Thats how our world should be. Magical, shimmery and Pretty!!
I know i am a disillusioned mom. hahahahhahahah :D