Thursday, December 02, 2004

Singapore(an?) Idol.

Yesterday's grand finals was sooo nice. Both guys were soooo good. Also dunno who to vote for.
Actually, don't even intend to vote for any, till....

*do do do do do* (hp ringing - jay's ringtone hehehehhee)

Krisy (via hp from bintan): You watching SG idol? I watching ley, here can see.
San-d: Wah! so good ah!
Krisy: I know u sure vote for Sly one, i already told my sis to help me vote $3 worth for taukif. Taufik ...Taufik ....Taufikkkkk!!!
San-d: ......*speechless* er... i neutral lah. Both also good.

After that phone call from krisy, both jing and stanley also sms me to tell me that they support taufik and ask me to vote for him.

In the end, i sent out an sms to all 3.....

San-d(via sms): Since you guys voted (in krisy case- $3 worth, Stan's case-$10, Jing's case-er... i also dunno how much she vote) for that TAU KEE... this had inspired me to vote more than $10 calls for SYLVESTER!!! SLY RAWWWWKS!!!

After which i was bombed by them.... and in the end when the taukee..opps i mean taufik won.... i was bombed lagi many times.....

But actually they dunno ( if they read now they will know) i also never vote more than $10 worth of calls. Actually i think i voted 10 calls the most. hehehehehehhee.

It really doesn't bother me who won. They are both strong in their own ways. And its enjoyable watching them perform.

Was wondering.... why not form a boy group with the both of them... wahhhh... can imagine the fans go crazy. Sly's fan+taufik's fans= MASS ORGY!! hahahahahha

Throw in Leandra.... they can form SG equavilent of Black Eye Peas.

Throw in Maia.... they can form SG equavilent of ABBA!!!! (ok ok i'm just kidding).

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