Monday, April 23, 2007

Gym Baby.

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What is Bb Raine so happy about??

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Her 1st gymboree session!!!

Been wanting to bring her for classes since she was like 6 mths old but everyone tells me not to coz she's so young blahblahblah etcetc..... I think they think i will drive Bb Raine crazy, but i seriously think that if she has the potential why not maximise it??

I think it will drive her crazy that we are underestimating her.

Anyway, been doing some research and recee, i think i like the classes provided at Gymboree the best! When i brought her to enquire about the class, she was so captivated by the ongoing class and she started to dance to the music too!! Uber Kawaii!! :P

Hence i've decided to enrol her for their Level 3 (10-16mths) - The communicator : Being skilled in back and forth communication

Children this age are adept communicators.
They show what they want or need through actions such as pointing at a toy or leading you by the hand to open a door for them.
When they crawl or walk to a caregiver, tap an adult's leg, or point to the book they want to read, they are using gestures to communicate a full sentence, such as "Mommy, I want you to read this to me."
And when they roll a ball back and forth with an adult, they are learning about two-way communication and taking turns.

Effective communication skills are essential for feeling competent and forming relationships.

The ability to have "conversations" using sounds and gestures allows babies to let others know what they're thinking and feeling.
They may pick up an object and show it to you as if to say, "What's this?"
This two-way communication is also important for their intellectual development, as their gestures are an attempt to figure things out.
When adults respond to children's communications, they help them learn and show them that what they're "saying" is important.

I seriously agree with their program coz sometimes i noticed Bb raine gets frustrated when she cannot bring across to us what she wanna say, hence i hope at the end of these sessions, Bb raine and us will have a stronger bond and not to mention a more confident and sociable her.

I got up early to get her ready for her trial class ( actually i have half the mind to sign her up but just wanna be sure.) and we were raring to go at 0850hrs coz the class is at 0930hrs.

But R4 the Smellycat wanna come along last min hence we waited and waited and only left the house at 0910hrs.

"-________- * angry* coz we are so late!!!!

San-d: How are we going to get there by 0930 hrs!! Some more peak hour! Sure traffic jam!!*sulking* (i really hate to be late for her 1st lesson, we are so excited to go)
R4: Watch me.
San-d: *panic* Its ok , we can be late. Take your time.

Why the sudden change in attitude?

Coz knowing the smellycat, he will go into his F1 rally driver mode.

And i was right. I was hanging on to my dear life as he zoom and zip thru the traffic during the morning rush hour.

And we managed to reach the class by 0935 hrs!!! *Amazing*

And Bb Raine is so oblivious to what is going on, she slept the moment she got into the car!

She was so refreshed after the power nap, she was raring to go when she reached Gymboree!

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She simply loved this doughtnut ring!!!

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So young already checking other guys out. Hehheh :p

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Bringing the toys out to play.

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Totally engrossed with the toys.

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Parachute time!! Where all kids gather on this bigbig colorful parachute for the cooling down sessions

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She is really soooo happy!!

Though we missed the inital 10 mins of the class, i can see that she has no problems gelling with the kids and both of us really had a fun time there!

I felt so happy to see her enjoying herself and participating in the class, especially during bubble time, when she really tries to catch the bubbles. Uber Kawaii!!

After the class, when i was signing up for the membership for gymboree, R4 came back from his "tea session" ( it seems to him that it is not so "macho facho" to be hanging around all the mummies and kids), he asked me how many sessions am i going to sign up.

San-d: I think i will sign up for 4 sessions 1st .
R4: Why not 12 sessions?? Tot she likes it?
San-d: *actually a bit broke coz of my momolita coming next week and not to mention the "extreme makeover" of hellokitty plus... so...* er...i dunno...
R4: since i am paying it, you sure you don't want ?
San-d: You are paying????*shocked*
R4: Before i change my mind...
San-d: OK!!!! *turns to the receptionist*
I want to sign up 12 sessions for violet. * grin* :P

I don't know what made R4 the smellycat behave in this manner, probably Bb raine really know how to soften even smellycat's heart.

San-d: How about i pay for the sessions and you bring her to class instead?
R4: You might as well kill me.

Hehhehehehhehehehehehehheheheheheheheeeee :p

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Bb Raine: Can't wait till my next class!!!! *happy*!!!

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