Sunday, December 09, 2007

Manalo Blahnik wannabe.

Avia is very into customising canvas shoes and some of her creations are damn nice.
Many people had been asking her to help them customise and so far she had yet to turn down a request (she's too nice already!). Check out her blog ( under name bubbles.) to see some of her masterpieces.

Was telling her to charge but she feels "paisay" afterall its usually friends who asked her to.

Anyway, i've decided to join her in the fun and she got me the canvas shoes (that she usually use to customise ) to get started.

Those shoes had been sitting on my table for days till one sunday afternoon while watching MTV Asia i just felt an urge to do something about the shoes and then one thing led to another.... i finished customising the shoes in 30 mins.

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My Spur of the moment custom. I really dunno why will i come up with this.
I just sat there and drew and drew.....

Also, the reason being one shoe's red and the other's blue is coz i'm worried that i don't have enough red paint hence i carried on the other pair with blue paint instead.
Found some furry mini balls thingy in my sewing bag and attached it to the shoe.
Hence the final design.

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Some people thought i customised 2 pairs and wearing 1 each to show them the different colors.
But the fact is, this is a pair of shoes that are meant to be worn together regardless of the oddity. Hehehehehhehee :P

Jueline: Hey! Look like super mario mushroom colors!
Vio: "+_____+

Maybe i should call this pair of shoes "Super Mario Mushroom" .


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