Thursday, October 02, 2008

Rainbow Hued Days.

A rainbow never fails to brighten my day.

No matter how crappy they are.

Wasn't myself the past few days, been bugged down by some medical problems.

Nothing serious though, just something asthma related but the little miss know it all in me scared myself silly with all the what ifs and what nots.

Thats the problem with being in the medical field.
You know too much and you tend to self diagnoise.

Smellycat: They are not call doctors for nothing ok.
Vio: "-___-

Anyway, i am huffin' and puffin' daily (my cocktail of meds not ciggies) and i hope to bounce back to same old me asap!

Saw this colorwheel of Ferragamo pumps and how i wish these are mine!!!

Not exactly Ferragamo but these rainbow sunshiney Billabong flipflops made my day nonetheless!

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