Protocols are a pain in my A*se!
Don't know what had gotten into me.
Probably i was distracted by my potter book. And it is a buggeration to me as i aimed to finish the book fast so that i can carry on with whatever i was supposed to do.
But today i was super no mood to practise.
Presented the CCF protocol.
Then did the CCF practice.
I thought i should be ok. But in the end, i failed the call.
It is a big time sucky farky feeling and i feel like slapping myself.
During the breathing stage, i already knew that patient's breathing is laboured, yet i didn't bag the farker.
Some where back in my head tell me to bag him. But i decided that if he can talk to me a bit, he should be able to endure.
That is one critical.
What the fark was i thinking man! It is not as if i haven't encounter SOB before? Countless time man. And i should know better than better not ask so much questions. Already can't breathe, how to talk.
Critical No 2: I forgot to ask for allergies.
*slap myself hard across my face*
In my life, i do protocols, this is the 1st time i miss allergies. To make matters worse, i still went on to give him the GTN when obviously he is having SOB. He is allergic to aspirin. Lucky this is not chest pain protocol. If not.....
*slap myself hard across my face again*
Agghhhhrrr!!!!! FArked Up ARHHHHH!!!!
Why am i so kiasu, want to give GTN and bag at the same time when it is obviously not possible. Farker already SOB, i still want him to place the GTN under his tongue? And farker still coughing out pinkish, yellowish frothy sputum.
Lastly, to end this farky call, i was so preoccupied with history taking, i forgot that i can ask buddy to take Vital signs concurrently. Thus causing a slight delay in deciding to administer protocol
*slap myself hard across my face many many times*
-________- *swollen face*
You can bet i will not forgot CCF protocol after this disasterous call.
And i hate it when Mr bravo thinks that our group is farked up. I know that we are kinda not upto his expectations but the way he looks and talk to us, makes me feel like we are bound to fail. Maybe he's bias against us, after all 2 of my groupmates did fail the trauma protocol.
Maybe i shouldn't kid ourselves, we are kinda farked up.
But i hate it that instead of encouraging us or supervising us ( we are left alone to practice many a times),everytime he come, he'll gives me the feeling of "sigh- have-to-take-this-bunch-of-losers-for-practicals" kinda feeling.
But today,Mr bravo feels kinda bad and ask me why am i look so down, he thought i was affected by the stuff he said about us.
san-d: nah, i was just preoccupied with harry thats all.
You should see the look on his face.
Mr bravo: I see, coz some people cannot take it when i say them.
San-d: Nah, no worries, you never work in my dept before, this is nothing.
Don't know what made me say that but i know that i am in deep shit for saying that. Coz i think he will 'mark' me from that on.
Bring it on!
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