Monday, May 22, 2006

The orb is an A-P-P-L-E.

Never got to read my copy of Da vinci code.

It became "Aceh national Literture textbook" (as Dr Quack puts it :op) when people started borrowing it from me while we are on the tsunami mission.

Don't think i even managed to read to chapter 10.

The worse thing is that i have to sacrifice my copy to lend to my friend coz i get to go back to singapore earlier than him...... * -________-*

When i came back, wanted to buy another copy to read but somehow it got soooooooo hyped up that i actually got put off by it and decided not to read anymore.

But yesterday's movie experience left me pleasantly surprised.

Was wondering initially if i should catch this movie (very hyped up!!!! All the riots, secrecy towards the movie before the release etc etc) but since majority of my friends watched it and wanting to watch it, i've decided to go with the flow.

It is flimed very nicely in layman terms that even people with no christian/history background will understand.

In short: Very entertaining.

Xing wasn't happy that they left out many details of the book. I guess many people who read the book are not happy that the director left out certain details of the book.

Was telling Xing that if the director wanted to include all the details, he'll probably gotta make it like the LOTR trilogy or Starwars series.


Another guess of mine is probably it is not easy to get to those location to flim(apparently the church of suplice doesn't allow them to flim and they have to use another church to mock up) or maybe they did flim but they chopchop (censored) it to a more politically correct version so as not to spark up anymore controversy.

The book itself already caused a lot of controversy already.

I guess you can't please them all.

On a lighter note, Ser and i had a great time discussing the movie during the show (we whispered, not creating any annoyance to anyone ok... Heeheeheee)

Ser read the book before and i didn't , so i keep telling her don't tell me, don't tell me what's going to happen next.


Scenes that left a deep impression on me (meaning i like lah...) :

1. The part where Sophie managed to shake the french police off with her SMART car.
(SMART rules ok!!! I sooooo wannna get one!!!!) But come to think of it, how can a 600cc car travelling in reverse outrun a citreon xanara? xarara? watever the name is ....... they used this car in WRC ok??!!

2.The moment Leigh Teabing comes out.
Magneto cameos in da vinci code? Dun play play.
( For those who don't get it, the actor who acts as Leigh Teabing is the same guy who acts as magneto in the X men trilogy)

In which a lot of lame magneto jokes were cracked by me during the show much to the annoyance of Ser.
Think they cast the wrong guy for the role. Some more x3 is opening this week!

3. The way Robert Langdon deciphers something.
Damn cool. Enuff sad.

4. The locations ( churches, musems etc)
Damn cool. Enuff said. Makes me wanna go France on the next available flight.

5. The cinematography and the way history unfolds itself.
Blends the story well.

6. The part when Sophie attempts to walk on water.
" Maybe i do better with the wine." Whahahahahahhaa....

7. The last conversation between Robert Langdon and Sophie.
" Will you destory the faith or will you renew it....." (something like that- based on my own memory and i don't have memory like Robert Langdon. hehehheheheh :op)

8. Lastly, the way Mary Madgelene's tomb unfold.
Great finishing touch to the movie.

Think i am glad in a way that i didn't read the book before i watch the show. At least i got myself pretty entertained and probably if i get the book to read it now, i would appreciate the details more.

Overall the da vinci code experience = nice :o)

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