Friday, September 17, 2004


Airborne selection.

15 Standard push up.
20 sits up in 1 min.
1.6km run in 10 mins.
6 standard inclined chinups.
straight arm hang for 15 sec.

15 push ups.
15 freaking standard chest touch hand on floor push ups.

Sounds easy. Maybe to most men. Maybe to some women.

But not to me.


I feel so so so so so so so so sad that i can't do it! Its been 2 years!

Ok. I didn't train till 2 weeks ago. But after my max the other time of 8 STANDARD ones, i am back to 2 again.

Anyway, when i submitted my name for the nomination for the airborne course, i was like half thinking i will not be selected. But i am selected(dunno if i should be happy or not).

I was initially YIPPEE!! But reality had sunk in and i know the selection is somewhere early/mid oct... and i can only do 2 S.pushups?

I am in my PANIC mode.

*Beep bo beep bo beep po beep po .....*

Push up Count: 2 (miserable) :(

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