Saturday, March 15, 2008

Never ask a woman her age.

These 2 years will be quite sensitive to Gals our age.
Especially Birthdays.
Heh heh heh .

Coz we are at the end of our 20s and will be crossing over to the BIG 3-0.


Oh well.

Avia's day started pretty well when she saw a flower bouquet being delivered to the college clinic.

Avia: Sandy Wong! You order flowers for me huh!
Vio: You crazy huh! I buy you PSP liao as if not enough ,buy you flowers for what ley.
Avia: Then who?
Vio: Did you read the card?
Avia: * stared at me like for 2 secs* Oh yah huh.

After which she realised its from Ken and the silly ger is so so so so so happy!
(actually who wouldn't be happy to recieve flowers on her birthday. Duh!)

Uber sweet and Kawaii!

Supposed to work PM that morning but last min change of shift so i couldn't get a cake for avia. But as fate would have it, Aarti need to bring some kids to the doctor's hence i told her to sneak a cake back ! :P

Avia was pleasantly surprised when she saw the cake. We had to try many ways to get her into the nurses' rest room. Finally the "hey , ken give ya the flowers drop alreadyyyy!!!" works. She finally came to the room asking whats going on.
Really a precious moment.

Birthday Gal!

We tried but failed to take a nice pic with the cake.

Aarti, Mary and Avia .( Too bad boss is not feeling well and took MC that day)

After she made her wish, Time to attack the cake!

Our gift to her. CHILLI RED PSP!!
(she later complained to me that she dunno how to play the bomberman game i gave her. Ha!)

Check out Avia's Version of her Bday!
Birthday At Workplace
Birthday Present
On my birthday...

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